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Minority Concern of Pakistan is a minority rights magazine, published voluntary and on non-profit basis. The subscription is free, but we would welcome your support and donations to publish it regularly and professionally.


The objective of the magazine is to spread awareness and raise the issues of millions of religious minorities ( including Christians, Hindus and other religious communities of Pakistan) searching for meaningful solutions to their social, cultural, religious, economic and political issues. Moreover, MCP seeks to strengthen the democratic values and practices in Pakistan, which would ensure the equal rights to every Pakistani irrespective of one’s religious, class, gender or ethnicity.


We can only ensure quality journalism being editorially and financially independently. Therefore, we need your assistance, help and support for the sustainability of our work.


Your help is essential:

  • To carry on our work according to our objectives.

  • To be the voice of voiceless minorities, mainly religious minorities, who have less space in the social, cultural, financial and political life of the country. 

  • To ensure the freedom of the press.

  • To ensure the reliable source of information regarding religious minorities in Pakistan.



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